Mathematical Induction: Principle & Examples

Mathematical induction describe as a domino cards or climbing a ladder. In domino cards, if the first card falls, then the second falls too and so does the third, fourth and finally all of cards fall. Climbing a ladder is like domino cards. If the first step is passed, then going to second step, third

Asymptote: Definition, Horizontal, Vertical, Oblique, & Examples

Definition of Asymptote Asymptote is a line or curve that approach to another curve. It can be horizontal, vertical, or oblique asymptote. Asymptote is always approach to the curve but the distance is never zero. In another words, asymptote is never same as the curve. In mathematics, especially in analytic geometry, there are so many


Definitions Conjugate is where we change the sign in the middle of two terms The conjugate of “a + b” is “a – b” Conjugate is only used in expressions with two terms (binomials) Examples Expressions Conjugate a + 1 a – 1 b2 – 2 b2 + 2 4 + √3 4 – √3 When we

Rationalize the Denominator

Irrational Denominator Denominator: the bottom number of fraction Rational: Numbers such as 2, 3, 7 Irrational: Roots such as √2, √3, √7 Simplest form of number cannot have the irrational denominator. To be in simplest form, Rationalizing the Denominator! Rationalizing the Denominator is making the denominator rational How to Rationalizing the Denominator Rationalizing the Denominator

Monomial: Definition, Degree, Operations, And Examples

Definition of Monomial Monomial is one of algebra form that consists of one term. It is also defined as mathematical expression that consists of one term. The term is a number or the result of multiply between coefficient and the variables. Variable is symbol to replace unknown number yet. The general form is Difference between

Inequalities: Definition, How to Solve, Linear, Quadratic, Examples

Definition of Inequalities Inequalities is different with equality clearly. Equality use equal sign (=) but inequality use inequal sign (≠, >, <, ≤, ≥). Look at the table to understand about the inequality signs. Sign Meaning Example ≠ Not equals with … 1 ≠ 2 ≥ Greater than or equal to … a2+1 ≥ 10for


Algebra (“al-jabr”, from Arabic) literally meaning “reunion of broken parts”. Algebra is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number theory, geometry and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols. It includes everything from elementary equation solving to the study

Cube Numbers and Cube Roots

How to Cube A Number a cubed = a x a x a a cubed is written as a3 Examples 0 cubed 03 0 × 0 × 0 0 1 cubed 13 1 × 1 × 1 1 -2 cubed (-2)3 (-2) × (-2) × (-2) -8 3 cubed 33 3 × 3 × 3 27 4 cubed

Even & Odd function

Every function has each graph, but not all of the graph symmetric to x-axis, y-axis, or others. If the graph has symmetric, it concludes to specific case that the function is even or odd function. Even function and graph Even function is different mean with even numbers. The graph of even function is symmetric to

Factoring Polynomials: 5 Methods & Examples

Previous topic about polynomial is multiplying. If there are two or more simple polynomial that are multiplied it will become complex polynomial. Concept of factoring polynomials is inversely. Starting from complex polynomial become simple polynomial. If the polynomial is divided by one of the simple polynomials then the remainder is zero. It is also called