Adding Fractions

A fraction like 1/2 says we have 1 out of the 2 parts the whole is divided into.

The top number is called numerator

The bottom number is called denominator

How to Add Fractions

To add fractions there are Three Simple Steps:

  1. Make sure the bottom numbers (the denominators) are the same
  2. Add the top numbers (the numerators), put that answer over the denominator
  3. Simplify the fraction (if needed)


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

If the denominators are different?

to Add Fractions with different denominators, We need to make them the same before we can continue, because we can’t add them like that.

Note: multiply both top and bottom by the same amount, will keep the value of the fraction the same


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3Can’t be simplified more

A Rhyme To Help You Remember

♫ “If adding or subtracting is your aim,

The bottom numbers must be the same! ♫

♫ “Change the bottom using multiply or divide,

But the same to the top must be applied, ♫

♫ “And don’t forget to simplify,

Before its time to say good bye” ♫

Learn More


Simplest Form of Fractions

Improper Fractions

Reciprocal of a Fraction


Categories: Algebra