Logarithm: Special Form, Exponent, Properties

Logarithm is one of basic mathematics concept. Logarithm counts repeated same number in multiplication form. Operating logarithm means determine how many repeated numbers (b) to get the result (x).

Logarithm is used to many sectors in life. Some of them are calculate the magnitude of earthquake using Richer Scale, loudness of sound in decibels (dB), acidity, etc..

Its general form is

logb(x) or logbx

b as the base.

x as the result of multiplying a same number.

Logarithm base is 10. Consequently, if there is “logx” or “log(x)” (there is no base) then it means the base is 10.

Special Forms of Logarithm

There are special forms of logarithm:

  • Common logarithm

Common logarithm has 10 as the base. The form is log(x). automatically it means log10(x)

  • Natural logarithm

The base of natural logarithm is e (Euler’s number:2.71828182…). The form is loge(x) and it can be written as ln(x).

  • Natural exponential function

Natural exponential function is ex.

Exponents and Logarithms

Exponent has close relation with logarithm. Exponent shows how many times a number in multiplication form. It is also can be written as logarithm. In another words, logarithm is another form of exponent or it is also called as invers form of exponent.

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 25 = 32

It can be written as logarithm.

log2(32) = 5

in another word,

25 = 32 « log2(32) = 5

Properties of Logarithm

There are some properties of logarithm. It is also known as rules of logarithm. It is used to operate logarithm to solve the problems. The basic of properties of logarithm are simplifying and expanding logarithm. There is also other properties of logarithm.

1. Simplifying Logarithm

Simplifying means make it simpler. It is also called condensing logarithm. Simplifying logarithm consist of three basic concepts, they are addition rule, subtraction rule, and power rule of logarithm.

  • Addition rule

loga(m) + loga(n) = loga(m.n)

log2(2) + log2(3) = log2(2.3)

= log2(6)

  • Subtraction rule

loga(m) – loga(n) = loga(m/n)

log(8) – log(2) = log(8/2)       

= log(4)

  • Power rule (multiplication by scalar)

b.loga(m) = loga(mb)

3. log2(2) = log2(23)

 = log2(8)

2. Expanding Logarithms

Expand means change the form based on each parts or components. Expanding logarithm consist of four basic concepts, they are zero-exponent, product, quotient, and power rules.

  • Zero-exponent rule

Loga1 = 0

In exponent form it will be a0 =1.

Log31 = 0 « 30 = 1

logaa = 1 « a1 = a

log33 = 1 « 31 = 3

  • Product rule

loga(m.n) = loga(m) + loga(n)

log2(2.3) = log2(2) + log2(3)

= 1 + log2(3)

  • Quotient rule

loga(m/n) = loga(m) – loga(n)

log(8/2) = log(8) – log(2)

  • Power rule

loga(mb) = b.loga(m)

log2(23) = 3. log2(2)

  • Other properties of logarithm
  • Logab(m) = (1/b).loga(m)

Log9(27) = log(32)(27)

= ½ . log3(27)

= ½ . 3      → log3(27) = log3(33) = 3. Log3(3) = 3.1 = 3

= 3/2

  • logam = log(m) / log(a)

log3(5) = log(5) / log(3)

  • loga(b).logb(c).logc(d) = loga(d)

log2(3).log3(4).log4(8) = log2(8)

= log2(23)

= 3.log2(2)

= 3

  • loga(b) = 1 / logb(a)
    log3(7) = 1 / log7(3)

  • ln(ex) = x

ln(e2) = 2


1. Determine the result and write in logarithm form

a. 32 = …
b. 105 = …
c. 2-4 = …


a. 32 = 9 « log3(9) = 2
b. 105 = 100.000 « log(100.000) = 5
c. 2-4 = ( ½ )4 = 1/16 = 0.0625 « log2(0.0625) = -4

2. Log2(24) + log2(20) – log2(15) = …


Log2(24) + log2(20) – log2(15) = log2[(24×20)/15]

= log2(32)

= 5

3. If log3(5) = y then log9(625) + log3(15) = …


If log3(5) = y then

log9(625) + log3(15)

= log32(54) + log3(5 × 3)

= (4/2).log3(5) + log3(5) + log3(3)

= 2. log3(5) + log3(5) + log3(3)

= 2y + y + 1

= 3y + 1


Categories: Algebra