Even and Odd Numbers

Even Numbers

Any integer that can be divided exactly by 2 is an even number.

The last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8

Example: −10, -4, 0, 8, and 32 are all even numbers

Odd Numbers

Any integer that cannot be divided exactly by 2 is an odd number.

The last digit is 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9

Example: -13, −9, 1, 5, and 27 are all odd numbers

Odd numbers are in between the even numbers.

Adding and Subtracting

When we add (or subtract) odd or even numbers the results are always:

Even + EvenEven 4 + 6 = 10
Even + OddOdd6 + 1 = 7
Odd + EvenOdd7 + 6 = 13
Odd + OddEven1 + 5 = 6

The same thing happens when we subtract instead of adding.


When we multiply odd or even numbers the results are always:

Even × EvenEven4 × 6 = 24
Even × OddEven2 × 7 = 14
Odd × EvenEven5 × 4 = 20
Odd × OddOdd7 × 5 = 35

Learn More

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart

Basic Math Definitions

Cross Multiply

Multiplication Tables

Numbers Index

Categories: Numbers