
Improper Fractions

Definitions There are 3 types of fractions Fraction typeConditionExamplesProper FractionNumerator < DenominatorImproper FractionNumerator > DenominatorMix FractionA whole number + proper fraction…

Ascending & Descending Order

Ascending Order When the numbers are arranged from the smallest number to the largest number, those numbers are said to…

Math Definitions

Here are some easy-to-understand definitions of mathematics terms, with links to further reading. Basic Basic Math DefinitionsDifferenceFOIL MethodExpanded Notation Equality…

Counting Numbers

Counting numbers are the set of numbers that we use to learn how to count. They are also called natural…

Concentric Circles

In geometry, 2 or more objects are said to be concentric, coaxial, or coaxal when they share the same axis or center.…


Definition Fraction is a number written with a numerator and a denominator, in which both are natural numbers. Numerator: the…

Simplest Form of Fractions

Simplest form of A fraction is a fraction that has the top and bottom cannot be any smaller (simplified), while…

Basic Math Definitions

Basic Math Operations In basic mathematics, there are many ways of saying the same thing: SymbolDefinitions+Addition, Add, Increase, Plus, Sum, Total−Decrease, Deduct, Difference, Less,…

Inverse Operation

Inverse Operation is an operation that reverses or undo the effect of another operation. Definition of Inverse Operation What are Inverse Operations? Inverse…