Polynomials: Definition, Adding, Subtraction, Examples

What is Polynomial? Poly means “many” and nomials means “terms”. Polynomial means one of algebraic expression that consist of variable, coefficient, and constant. The characteristic of polynomial is it has non-negative integer power. Polynomial can be written as anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 + …. + a2x2 + a1x1 + a0 or Where an,….a0   : any number(as coefficient and


Definition Difference is the result of subtracting one number from another. How much one number differs from another. More Examples Here are more examples about difference: Numbers Difference Reason 7 and 5 2 7 – 5 = 2 4 and 9 5 9 – 4 = 5 11 and 8 3 11 – 8 =

Rectangle: Definition, Area, Perimeter, Diagonal, Properties, & Examples

One type of shape in geometry is rectangle. There are many rectangle-shape things in daily life for example table, whiteboard, books, phone, door, window, etc. Definition of Rectangle Rectangle is one of a two-dimensional shape in geometry. It has two (pairs) parallel sides that they are two lengths and two widths. The length and width

Multiplicative Inverse

Multiplicative Inverse is Another name for Reciprocal. What you multiply by a number to get 1 In other words: When we multiply a number by its “Multiplicative Inverse” we get 1. But not when the number is 0 because 1/0 is undefined! More Examples of Multiplicative Inverse Number Multiplicative inverse 2 1/2 3 1/3 5


Definition An angle measures the amount of turn Names of Angles As the Angle Increases, the Name Changes: Type of Angle Description Illustration Acute Angle is less than 90°   Right Angle is 90° exactly         Obtuse Angle is greater than 90° butless than 180°    Straight Angle is 180° exactly   Reflex Angle is

Infinite Series

Definition of Infinite Series Infinite series are the sum of infinitely many numbers listed in a given order & related in a given way. For an infinite series a1 + a2 + a3 + … , a quantity sn = a1 + a2 + … + an, which involves adding only the first n terms, is called a partial sum. For Sn approaches a fixed number

Cone: Definition, Properties, Types, Surface Area, Volume

Have you ever eaten ice cream? One of the shapes is cone. Besides that, other cone things are traffic cone, cone snail, party hat, megaphone, etc.. Definition of Cone Cone is a three-dimensional shape that has a flat base, a curved surface, and a point in the top (apex). The flat base is circular shape

Additive Inverse

Definition of Additive Inverse The additive inverse of a number is another number you add to a number to create the sum of zero. In other words, additive inverse of x is another number, for examle y, as long as the sum of x + y equals zero. The additive inverse of x is equal

Circle: Definition, Parts, Area, Perimeter, Examples

Circle is one of familiar shape in daily life. It was studied since long time ago. There are many things that is circle such as clock,  wheel, gear, ring, coins, etc.. Definition of Circle Circle is two-dimensional shape. It is set of points that has same distane from the center in a plane. In another words, there are

Composite Number

Composite number is a whole number that can be made by multiplying other whole numbers. Example: 10 can be made by 5 × 2 so is a composite number. Not Composite number 5 = 1 × 5, Is not composite number because 1 × 5 isn’t using other whole numbers 7 = 2 × 3.5, Is