Angles of Elevation & Depression

Angles of Elevation

Angle of elevation is the angle from the horizontal upward to an object. An observer’s line of sight would be above horizontal line.

The angle of elevation is angle formed by a horizontal line & line of sight up to an object when the object is above the line.

When you see bird in the sky you create an angle with the ground that you can then use to calculate the height or the distance away from whatever it is you are looking toward.

Angles of Depression

Angle of depression is the angle from the horizontal downward to an object. An observer’s line of sight would be below horizontal line.

The angle of depression is angle formed by a horizontal line & line of sight down to an object when the object is located beneath the line.

When you look down, you create right triangles all around you that will help you to find distances and angles.

Every time you look up at something in the sky, you are creating Angle of Elevation with your eyes. When you look down at something on the ground, you are creating Angle of Depression.

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