Convert Decimals to Fractions

How to convert a Decimal to a Fraction?

  1. Write down the decimal divided by 1, like this: decimal/1
  2. Multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point.
  3. Simplify the fraction


DecimalStep 1Step 2Step 3Fraction
0.75Decimals to Fractions 1Decimals to Fractions 4Decimals to Fractions 7Decimals to Fractions 9
2.35 = 2+0.35Decimals to Fractions 2Decimals to Fractions 5Decimals to Fractions 8Decimals to Fractions 10
0.333Decimals to Fractions 3Decimals to Fractions 6Can’t get any simpler!Decimals to Fractions 11

Special Note:

For 0.333… , where 3s repeating forever (3 recurring)

DecimalStep 1Multiply Both Top & Bottom by 3Use 9 Recurring Rule (0.999…=1)Fraction
0.333…Decimals to Fractions 11Decimals to Fractions 13Decimals to Fractions 14Decimals to Fractions 15

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Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages

Convert Percents to Fractions

Reciprocal of a Fraction

Relative Frequency

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