
Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages

Definition Decimals, Fractions & Percentages are different ways of showing value Examples PercentDecimalFraction1%0.011/1005%0.055/10010%0.110/10025%0.2525/10050%0.550/10075%0.7575/100100%1100/100125%1.25125/100150%1.5150/100200%2200/100 Conversions Base FormDecimalsFractionsPercentagesDecimals-1) multiply by (10/10) for…

Discrete and Continuous Data

Data is defined as the facts & collected for the analysis purpose. Data is divided into qualitative data (descriptive) & quantitative data.…

Bayes’ Theorem: Definition, Notation, Examples

Thomas Bayes named a theory about conditional probability. He was British mathematician in 18th century. The theorem is Bayes’ Theorem. Bayes’…

Percentage Change

What Is Percentage Change? Percentage change can be applied to any quantity. Let's say you are tracking the the grow…

Relative Frequency

Definition Relative Frequency is How often something happens divided by all outcomes. To compute relative frequency, one obtains a frequency…


Definition of Quartiles What are Quartiles? In statistics, Quartiles are values that divide your data into quarters. They aren’t shaped like…


Mean is the average of the numbers. How to Find the Mean It is easy to calculate: add up all…

Conditional Probability: Dependent Events, Formula, Examples

Dependent Events Dependent events mean two or more events that occurred after the first or other events has already occurred.…

Probability of Independent Events: Definition, Formula, Examples

What Is Independent Event? Independent means not relate with something/someone. For examples of independent condition are buying a chocolate and…

Frequency Distribution

Frequency is how often something occurs. Definition of Frequency Distribution We can make a Frequency Distribution table by counting frequencies.…