
There are twelve months in a year:

Months in Detail

Here are the twelve months in detail:

Month OrderMonth Name3 Letters FormatDays in Month
2FebruaryFeb28 (29 in leap years)

February The Unique Month

The most unique month of all is February.

February only has 28 days, but it has 29 days on Leap Years February!

How to Remember

You can remember how many days in each month using this rhyme:

30 days has September,

April, June and November.

All the rest have 31

Except February alone,

Which has 28 days clear

And 29 in each leap year.

Or you can use the “knuckle method“:

A knuckle is “31 days”, and in between each knuckle it isn’t.

And where you hands meet, the two knuckles are “July, August”, which both have 31 days.

(Note: the last knuckle isn’t used)

The Moon

The months were originally based on the movement of the moon, but this did not work out perfectly to one year.

So they changed how many days in some months to make them all add up to one year.

The Secret of Month Name

Interisting !

Ancient Romans had 10 Months:

Martius for the god Mars


Maius for the goddess Maia

Iunius for the goddess Juno

Quintilis from Latin quinque meaning five

Sextilis for six

Septembris for seven

Octobris for eight

Novembris for nine

Decembris for ten (remember “Decimal” means based on 10)

Around 710 BC, Numa Pompilius (the second King of Rome) added 2 months:

January, for the god Janus

February, from Latin februum meaning purification.

Unfortunately, this wrecked the nice numbering system of the later months.

In 44 BC, Quintilis was renamed Iulius (July) in honour of Julius Caesar

In 8 BC Sextilis was renamed Augustus (August) in honour of Augustus.

So we know the reason behind all the names except April!

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