
Complementary Angles

Complementary comes from Latin completum meaning "completed", because the right angle is thought of as being a complete angle. Definition…

How To Find if Triangles are Congruent

Triangles are congruent when all corresponding sides & interior angles are congruent. The triangles will have the same size & shape,…

Volume and Area of a Sphere

Definition A sphere is a perfectly round geometrical object in 3D space that is the surface of a completely round…


A Kite is a flat shape with straight sides. It has 2 pairs of equal-length adjacent sides. Characteristics of Kite…

Cylinder: Definition, Properties, Types, Surface Area, Volume

“cylinder” was named base on Latin (Cylindrus) and Greek (Kylindros). It means "roll", "roller", and "tumblr". Cylinder is a shape…

Adjacent Angles

In the lesson below, you will learn about how to identify whether angles are adjacent. Definition Adjacent angles are 2 angles…

Alternate Exterior Angles

Definition When 2 lines are crossed by another line (Transversal): Alternate Exterior Angles are a pair of angles on the…

Alternate Interior Angles

Definition When two lines are crossed by another line (Transversal): Alternate Interior Angles are a pair of angles on the…

Sphere: Definition, Properties, Surface Area, Volume, Spheroid, and Hemisphere

Sphere is like circle in two-dimensional shape. But it is three-dimensional shape. Sphere things in daily life are like bubbles,…

Quadrilateral: Definition, Properties, Family Tree, Formula, Examples

What Is Quadrilateral Quadrilateral is two-dimension shape that closed and has four sides. It come from latin words, “quadri” means…