Concentric Circles

In geometry, 2 or more objects are said to be concentric, coaxial, or coaxal when they share the same axis or center. Circles, regular polygons, regular polyhedra, spheres, and cylinders may be concentric to one another (sharing the same center point). Definition of Concentric Circles Concentric Circles are 2 or more circles which have same center point. They fit inside each

Sets Theory

A set is a collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right. For example, the numbers 1, 3, and 5 are distinct objects when considered separately, but when they are considered collectively they form a single set of size three, written {1, 3, 5}. The concept of a set is one


Definition Fraction is a number written with a numerator and a denominator, in which both are natural numbers. Numerator: the top number of fraction Denominator: the top bottom of fraction So, fraction is written as Numerator / Denominator Examples Fraction Numerator Denominator 1 2 2 3 3 4 7 40 99 123 Learn More Simplest

Simplest Form of Fractions

Simplest form of A fraction is a fraction that has the top and bottom cannot be any smaller (simplified), while still being whole numbers. How to simplify a fraction? Divide the top and bottom by the greatest number that will divide both numbers exactly (Greatest Common Factor), they must stay whole numbers. Examples Fraction Greatest

Metric Mass (Weight)

Mass: how much matter is in an object. We measure mass by weighing, but Weight and Mass are not really the same thing. The most common measurements: Grams Kilograms Tonnes Grams Grams are written as g (for short), so 250 g = 250 grams Kilograms 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams Kilograms are written as kg

Basic Math Definitions

Basic Math Operations In basic mathematics, there are many ways of saying the same thing: Symbol Definitions + Addition, Add, Increase, Plus, Sum, Total − Decrease, Deduct, Difference, Less, Minus, Subtraction, Subtract, Take Away × Multiplication, Multiply, Times, Product, By, Lots Of ÷ Division, Divide, Goes Into, How Many Times, Quotient Addition Addition is bringing two or more numbers (or things)


Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, & the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer. There are some general concepts that are more or less fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of points, lines, planes,


Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change. The 2 branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite series & infinite sequences to a well-defined limit. Derivatives (Differential) Differentiable Common Derivatives Implicit Differentiation Homogeneous Differential Equations Integration (Integral) Integration

Hyperbolic Functions: Definition, Inverse, Identities, Derivatives, & Examples

What is Hyperbolic functions? Hyperbolic function identic with trigonometry function especially sine and cosines. It is exponential functions that has properties like trigonometry. The basic of hyperbolic functions are hyperbolic sine and cosines. But the both of them are different with sine and cosines in trigonometry. In real life, it can be applied to determine


Data is a set of values of subjects with respect to qualitative or quantitative variables. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs, images or other analysis tools. Raw data or unprocessed data is a collection of numbers or characters before it has been “cleaned” and corrected by