Multiplying Fractions

Multiply the tops, then multiply the bottoms. How to multiply fractions There are 3 simple steps to multiply fractions Multiply the the numerators (top numbers). Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers). Simplify the fraction if needed. Example Step 1 Multiply the the numerators Step 2 Multiply the denominators Step 3 Simplify the fraction Mulltiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers

FOIL Method

FOIL Method is a handy way to remember how to multiply 2 binomials. Definition FOIL stands for “First, Outer, Inner, Last“ F O I L First Outer Inner Last It is the sum of: multiplying the First terms, multiplying the Outer terms, multiplying the Inner terms, and multiplying the Last terms. Examples (a+b)(c+d) = ac + ad +


There are twelve months in a year: Months in Detail Here are the twelve months in detail: Month Order Month Name 3 Letters Format Days in Month 1 January Jan 31 2 February Feb 28 (29 in leap years) 3 March Mar 31 4 April Apr 30 5 May May 31 6 June Jun 30

Permutations and Combinations: Definition, Notation, Examples

Definitions a Combination is when the order doesn’t matter. a Permutation is When the order does matter. In other words: A Permutation is an ordered Combination. Permutations There are 2 types of permutation: Permutation with Repetition: such as the lock. It could be “444”. Permutation without Repetition: for example the first three people in a

Taylor Series: Common & Expansion Formula, and Examples

Taylor series is one of topic in numerical method. It describes the sum of infinite terms of any functions. If there are more and more terms, it will give the high accuracy. It was introduced by English mathematicians, Brook Taylor. One of Taylor series application is scientific calculator operation. Sometimes when we need to determine

Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using Matrices

Example Solve x + y + z = 6 2y + 5z = −4 2x + 5y − z = 27 Change into matrix form AX = B where A is the 3×3 matrix of x, y, z coefficients X is x, y, z B is 27, 6, −4 Then find the value of x, y, z X =

Solving SAS Triangles

SAS (Side, Angle, Side) is when we know 2 sides and the angle between them. How to solve an SAS triangle ? use the Law of Cosines to calculate the unknown side, use the Law of Sines to find the smaller of the other two angles, use the three angles add to 180° to find

Piecewise Functions: Definition, How to Solve, Examples

Piecewise Functions Definition A function can be expressed as a graph. But, not all of function has a whole graph. Some function has some pieces of the graph. It is called as piecewise function. The pieces of a function depend on x value that input into the formula/function. In another words, it is possible that

Cube: Definition, Properties, Surface Area, Volume, Diagonal, And Examples

Cube is a special case of a prism. There are many things in daily life that is cube. Some of them are Rubik, dice, ice cube, aquarium, etc. Definition of Cube Cube is one of three-dimensional object. It has six squares as the sides (faces) so that it is also called hexahedron. Consequently, it has

Mathematical Induction: Principle & Examples

Mathematical induction describe as a domino cards or climbing a ladder. In domino cards, if the first card falls, then the second falls too and so does the third, fourth and finally all of cards fall. Climbing a ladder is like domino cards. If the first step is passed, then going to second step, third