Squares and Square Roots

How to Square A Number To square a number: Multiply the number by itself. “Squared” is often written as a little 2 like this: 42 = 16 This says “4 Squared equals 16“ (the little 2 says the number appears twice in multiplying) Perfect Squares The Perfect Squares (also called “Square Numbers“) are the squares of

Dividing Fractions By Whole Numbers

How to Divide a Fraction by a Whole Number? To Divide a Fraction by a Whole Number: Multiply the bottom number of the fraction by the whole number Simplify the fraction (if needed) Example   Step 1 Step 2 Can’t be simplified more Learn More Fractions Improper Fractions Adding Fractions Simplest Form of Fractions Algebra

Fractional Exponents

A fractional exponent is an alternate notation for expressing powers and roots together. Fractional Exponents are also known as Radicals or Rational Exponents. Whole Number Exponents First, look at whole number exponents: The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication. Fractional Exponents Remember that when aa is a

Standard Form

Definition What is “Standard Form”? It depends on what you are dealing with! Standard Form of a Decimal Number In Britain, this is another name for Scientific Notation, where you write down a number this way: 4321 = 4.321 × 103 In this example, 4321 is written as 4.321 × 103, because 4321 = 4.321 ×

Linear Equations

A linear equation is an equation for a straight line. Equation of a line is one of algebra concept. It is basic concept of others. They are like in mathematics and physics. In real life, it is applied in speed calculation, cost of rental car / taxi, etc. General Form  Equation of a line has

Order of Operations (PEMDAS): Definition & Examples

Order of operation is a basic concept in mathematics, especially in algebra. It has been studied in elementary school and continued in next level of education. It uses to solve multiple operation in mathematics. Definition of Operation Operation means doing something to solve mathematics’ problem. It contains addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. There are simple

Adding Fractions

A fraction like 1/2 says we have 1 out of the 2 parts the whole is divided into. The top number is called numerator The bottom number is called denominator How to Add Fractions To add fractions there are Three Simple Steps: Make sure the bottom numbers (the denominators) are the same Add the top

Composition of Functions

By combining these 2 function into 1 function, we have performed function composition, which is the focus of this section. Definition of Function Composition Function composition is a method to combine existing functions. Another method is to carry out the usual algebraic operations on functions, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division. We do this by


Definitions Just an easy way to remember how Sine, Cosine and Tangent work: Soh…   (Sine = Opposite / Hypotenuse) …cah…  (Cosine = Adjacent / Hypotenuse) …toa (Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent) Right Triangle Firstly, the names Opposite, Adjacent and Hypotenuse come from the right triangle: “Opposite” is opposite to the angle θ “Adjacent” is adjacent (next to) to

Quadratic Equation Solver

A quadratic is a type of problem In mathematics that deals with a variable multiplied by itself (an operation known as squaring). It derives from the area of a square being its side length multiplied by itself. The word quadratic comes from “quadratum”, which means square in Latin word. There are a lot of phenomena in the real world that can be